Beach Bum

Child on the beach

Pelican Island, Richards Bay, South Africa

3 Replies to “Beach Bum”

  1. Hey Kokkieh! I have looked through your photos. You definitely have some cool ones in there!
    This one particularly caught my eye because I have nearly an identical picture of my daughter sitting on a beach as well. Definitely not in South Africa though! I wish I could take her there someday. That would be amazing!
    Is that your daughter? Probably close to the same age as mine 🙂

    Anyhow, I wanted to reach out to you as well, as I see your comments in the forums sometimes and you have followed up on a couple of my posts to fix a couple errors I have made.

    I, more than anything, want to become a Happiness Engineer and change my life for me and my daughter. (Probably something you can relate to! 🙂
    I was wondering if there is any chance that you could offer me any tips or advice to steer me in the right direction?

    I understand this might not be the way to go about asking and there is a chance you will say no, however, I have come to understand that the answer is definitely “no” if I don’t stick my neck out and ask. (The Law of Attraction is an interesting thing!)

    Thanks for listening- Have a great day!

    1. It’s my daughter, yes. 16 months old, and loves the beach. Loves water, really.

      Tips? Use That’s where I started, just as a regular blogger. Then I started helping out in the forums because I was bored, and I like helping people, and very quickly learned the software much more deeply. In my opinion, that’s the true value of volunteering – don’t do it because you want to build up a track record to impress the hiring team, do it because you want to learn and give back to the community. If you volunteer with that attitude, you will improve your knowledge and develop good style and tone for support, and that will impress the hiring team 🙂

      Go the extra mile. Figure out workarounds. Make sure your reply fits not just the issue someone is asking about, but the person asking the question as well. If you don’t have one yet, set up a private test site where you can try to replicate bugs, test out widgets and themes, etc.

      Also check out the #a8cday tag in the Reader. There you’ll see some posts from other Happiness Engineers about the work we do. You’ll find a lot of helpful tips there as well. Good luck 🙂

      1. Hey man, I really appreciate that you took time out of your (what I am sure is a busy) day in order to respond to me.

        My daughter is 3 now. She loves the beach and water too! I would say that swimming is probably her very favorite activity! Unfortunately, now though, here on the east coast of Canada, we are 8 months of too cold of weather for the beach 🙁

        The simple fact that you took that time kind of solidifies for me what this company all about.
        From what I have read through some other Happiness Engineer’s blogs, I feel like there is this ‘culture thing’ that speaks volumes that is unheard of where I come from!
        That you responded at all, and then furthermore, that you obviously spent a few minutes on thinking about this reply makes me believe that you are definitely a part of this great culture that I am seeing. It’s a beautiful thing 🙂

        Best wishes to you and your family!
        Thanks again 🙂

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